
From my rather limited experience ...

Is your EXAFS data collected on a crystal or in solution? If the
latter, it is worth remembering that the chemical environment in
solution and in crystal can be different. Moreover, atomic coordinates
and bond distances determined via crystallography are associated with
some errors. And if the As is not fully occupied in your crystal
structure, your crystal structure is likely to be an average of the
As-bound and As-free states. Maybe you can first check if the bond
distances agree with each other within experimental error, then decide
whether it is really worth contstraining the coordinate bond distance.

Hope that helps,
Geoffrey Kong

I would like to constrain an As-S bond distance to fit known EXAFS
data.  I tried to do this by adding a LINK card with the distance to
the header of the PDB and turning LINK to Y, but this is not working.
The bond distances after refinement in Refmac 5 are longer than
expected.  How can I fix this problem?  Thanks

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