
From what I have encountered in the past, Ninja appears notorious for rushing to compile leaving "holes", gaps or otherwise in its wake on occasion. It's easy to blame Ninja but it is also possible there is misconfiguration involved. I'm not personally a fan of Ninja but I haven't made a point of avoiding it outright. I thought it abnormal for Ninja and Makefiles to produce different results when testing.

After a Ninja build, I had used `ctest -V ...`. It was giving me what I thought was a verbose output. What was shown appeared unhelpful.
Output given:
$ ninja -C build test
... (snip) ...
21: Started thread number 46, using pre-parsed documents.
21: Started thread number 47, using unparsed documents.
21: Started thread number 48, using pre-parsed documents.
21: Started thread number 49, using unparsed documents.
16/21 Test #14: TraceListen-3 ....................   Passed 0.15 sec
17/21 Test #17: UseStylesheetParam ...............   Passed 0.12 sec
18/21 Test #18: XalanTransform ...................   Passed 0.11 sec
19/21 Test #19: XalanTransformerCallback .........   Passed 0.11 sec
20/21 Test #20: SimpleXPathCAPI ..................   Passed 0.09 sec
21: Started thread number 50, using pre-parsed documents.
21: Started thread number 51, using unparsed documents.
21: Started thread number 52, using pre-parsed documents.
21: Started thread number 53, using unparsed documents.
21: Started thread number 54, using pre-parsed documents.
21: Started thread number 55, using unparsed documents.
21: Started thread number 56, using pre-parsed documents.
21: Started thread number 57, using unparsed documents.
21: Started thread number 58, using pre-parsed documents.
21: Started thread number 59, using unparsed documents.
21: Waiting for active threads to finish...    # <-- indefinite hang
^C                                             # <-- manually aborting process

No other details were produced. Again, this is after successful configure with CMake and compile with both gcc/clang. It's just testing being difficult.

I am unsure how to proceed with "build with verbose logging". I am assuming a compiler/debuggin switch (-O3 or similar?). Please confirm.

I am following the basic information given on build instructions ( and I am rather rusty on compiling. The references to "ps" or "pstree" are foreign to me. Guidance would be appreciated.

Thank You,
Scott Furry

On 2022-10-16 09:43, Roger Leigh wrote:
Hi Scott,

Hard to diagnose without more information.  Can you build with verbose logging, so we can see what 
ninja is waiting on?  Does "ps" or "pstree" show any children which have become 
stuck?  Does it happen if you build with no parallelisation?

It's possible there is a broken rule being emitted.  It's not been picked up by 
the CI though.  Also possible you've encountered a ninja bug--I've seen them in 
the past though I would think it unlikely.  Or possibly a bug in the CMake 
version you are using if it's generating a broken rule.  If you can identify 
where it's getting stuck, it might be worth looking through the generated Ninja 
file to see if there is any obviously broken rule in there.

Also worth running ninja under strace so you can follow what's going on.  If 
you trace all threads and child processes, that might give you an indication 
about what it's waiting on.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Furry <>
Sent: 16 October 2022 16:25
Subject: Testing hangs with Ninja build method

Platform: AMD Bulldozer (yes, that old)
OS:       Gentoo X86_64
gcc:      11.3.0 (Gentoo 11.3.0-p4)
clang:    13.0.1
Xerces-C: v3.2.3
Xalan-C:  v1.12.0

Xerces-C was installed via Gentoo ebuild. No errors or warnings were
encountered during install.
Xalan-C was cloned from github repository. Followed steps for a Ninja build.
A few odd warnings were encountered during the process(i.e.
-Wdeprecated-copy, -Wextra, etc). No errors reported during build.

$ cd [cloned repo]
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/Xalan-C
-- Xalan-C++ configuration summary
-- -------------------------------
--   Version:                     1.12.0
--   Library major version:       112
--   Library minor version:       0
--   Installation directory:      /usr/local/Xalan-C
--   C compiler:                  /usr/bin/cc
--   C++ compiler:                /usr/bin/c++
--   Build shared libraries:      ON
--   Thread implementation:       standard
--   Transcoder:                  icu
--   Message Loader:              inmemory
--   Message Loader Locale:       en_US
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/[path]/[cloned repo]/build $ ninja -
C build

When executing testing ($ cd build; ctest -V -j8;), test #21 will hang
indefinitely with no timeout encountered. Numerous `21: Waiting for active
threads to finish...` messages were reported. Last information reported in
the terminal was `21: Waiting for active threads to finish...` message. After
~15 minutes wating, testing process was manually aborted.

I cleaned and reset the cloned repository to start again. I repeated the above
except using clang/clang++ build. I received the same results with compile.
Testing would still hang indefinitely waiting for active threads. Testing had to
be manually aborted.

Cleaning and resetting the cloned repository, above steps were repeated
using `... -G "Unix Makefiles" ...` in the CMake command instead.
Configure and build successfully completed similar to above.

Unlike the above results, testing with command `make -C build test`
command ran to successful completion and exited correctly. I repeated
testing with ctest on the build. Again, testing completed and exited

I suspect there is some deviation between the makefile and ninja build setup.
A ninja setup, utilizing either gcc or clang, results in testing to hang

Please advise if there is some other step should be taken to diagnose.

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