Platform: AMD Bulldozer (yes, that old)
OS: Gentoo X86_64
gcc: 11.3.0 (Gentoo 11.3.0-p4)
clang: 13.0.1
Xerces-C: v3.2.3
Xalan-C: v1.12.0
Xerces-C was installed via Gentoo ebuild. No errors or warnings were
encountered during install.
Xalan-C was cloned from github repository. Followed steps for a Ninja
build. A few odd warnings were encountered during the process(i.e.
-Wdeprecated-copy, -Wextra, etc). No errors reported during build.
$ cd [cloned repo]
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/Xalan-C
-- Xalan-C++ configuration summary
-- -------------------------------
-- Version: 1.12.0
-- Library major version: 112
-- Library minor version: 0
-- Installation directory: /usr/local/Xalan-C
-- C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Build shared libraries: ON
-- Thread implementation: standard
-- Transcoder: icu
-- Message Loader: inmemory
-- Message Loader Locale: en_US
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/[path]/[cloned repo]/build
$ ninja -C build
When executing testing ($ cd build; ctest -V -j8;), test #21 will hang
indefinitely with no timeout encountered. Numerous `21: Waiting for
active threads to finish...` messages were reported. Last information
reported in the terminal was `21: Waiting for active threads to
finish...` message. After ~15 minutes wating, testing process was
manually aborted.
I cleaned and reset the cloned repository to start again. I repeated the
above except using clang/clang++ build. I received the same results with
compile. Testing would still hang indefinitely waiting for active
threads. Testing had to be manually aborted.
Cleaning and resetting the cloned repository, above steps were repeated
using `... -G "Unix Makefiles" ...` in the CMake command instead.
Configure and build successfully completed similar to above.
Unlike the above results, testing with command `make -C build test`
command ran to successful completion and exited correctly. I repeated
testing with ctest on the build. Again, testing completed and exited
I suspect there is some deviation between the makefile and ninja build
setup. A ninja setup, utilizing either gcc or clang, results in testing
to hang indefinitely.
Please advise if there is some other step should be taken to diagnose.