
I will update the installation of JDK 19 on Jenkins and Buildbot (Linux)
later today!


On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 5:08 AM David Delabassee <
david.delabas...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Greetings!
> The proposed schedule for JDK 19 is now known [1] with ‘Rampdown Phase
> One’ set for June 9th and ‘General Availability’ set for September 20th.
> The next several weeks will be interesting to watch as the scope of JDK
> 19 is revealed.
> You also play an important roll during these phases, which is your
> opportunity to share feedback . When developers such as yourself tell us
> of issues faced in the latest OpenJDK early-access (EA) builds, we then
> have a chance to fix them before that feature release reaches general
> availability (GA).
> We also enjoy when people tell us that all their tests are green! It
> gives us confidence ;-) So regardless of the tests color (red or green),
> please do not hesitate to send me a short mail as both types of feedback
> are useful.
> [1] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk-dev/2022-April/006481.html
> ## Heads-Up: Java Cryptographic Extension Survey
> The Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) has been in Java SE for a long
> time and has made incremental changes over the years. The OpenJDK
> Security Team is conducting a survey [2] to know more about how projects
> are using JCE and what changes, features, and API enhancements would be
> useful going forward.
> The survey is clossing on April 29 so if you have written or maintain
> code that uses the JCE API, please make sure to fill this short survey
> [2] as soon as possible.
> [2] https://www.questionpro.com/t/AUzP7ZrFWv
> ## Heads-Up: New macOS Rendering Pipeline on macOS
> JEP 382 [3] introduced in JDK 17 support for the new macOS Metal
> graphics pipeline for Swing and Java2D. JDK 19 starting build 18 is
> switching the default to be the new macOS Metal rendering pipeline
> instead of the old Apple OpenGL API. For more details please see
> JDK-8284378 [4].
> Java applications running on macOS (10.14 or later) will not need to
> take any action, as they will automatically benefit from faster graphics
> with lower power consumption, and the use of a more modern stable
> graphics API which will be able to work better on current and future
> Apple systems.
> [3] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/382
> [4] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8284378
> ## JDK 19 Early-Access builds
> JDK 19 Early-Access builds 18 are now available [5], and are provided
> under the GNU General Public License v2, with the Classpath Exception.
> The Release Notes are available here [6].
> [5] https://jdk.java.net/19/
> [6] https://jdk.java.net/19/release-notes
> ### JEPs targeted to JDK 19, so far:
> - JEP 422: Linux/RISC-V Port https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/422
> ### Recent changes that maybe of interest:
> Build 18:
> - JDK-8284378: Make Metal the default Java 2D rendering pipeline for macOS
> - JDK-8265315: Update CLDR to version 41
> - JDK-8270090: C2: LCM may prioritize CheckCastPP nodes over projections
> [Reported by JaCoCo]
> - JDK-8284361: Updating ASM to 9.3 for JDK 19
> - JDK-8284330: jcmd may not be able to find processes in the container
> - JDK-8284579: Improve VarHandle checks for interpreter
> Build 17:
> - JDK-8282819: Deprecate Locale class constructors
> - JDK-8254935: Deprecate the PSSParameterSpec(int) constructor
> - JDK-8283060: RawNativeLibraries should allow multiple clients to
> load/unload the same library
> Build 16:
> - JDK-8281561: Disable http DIGEST mechanism with MD5 and SHA-1 by default
> - JDK-8264160: Regex \b is not consistent with \w without
> - JDK-8163327: Remove 3DES from the default enabled cipher suites list
> - JDK-8267319: Use larger default key sizes and algorithms based on CNSA
> - JDK-8283350: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022a
> ## Project Loom Updates
> The first Loom related JEP is now in Candidate phase, i.e. JEP: 425:
> Virtual Threads (Preview) [7]. As of now, JEP 425 doesn't yet 'propose
> to target' any particular feature release.
> [7] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/425
> In addition, Project Loom early-access builds 19-loom+5-429 (2022/4/4)
> are now available [8] with related Javadoc [9].
> These builds are based on JDK 19 and are provided under the GNU General
> Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception and are produced
> for the purpose of gathering feedback. Use for any other purpose is at
> your own risk. Proper feedback should be sent to the `loom-dev` mailing
> list [10].
> [8] https://jdk.java.net/loom/
> [9] https://download.java.net/java/early_access/loom/docs/api/
> [10] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/loom-dev
> ## Topics of Interest:
> * New candidate JEP: 426: Vector API (4th Incubator)
> https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/426
> * Virtual Thread Deep Dive - Inside Java Newscast #23
> https://inside.java/2022/04/07/insidejava-newscast-023/
> * Project Panama: Say Goodbye to JNI
> https://inside.java/2022/04/04/projectpanama/
> * Java Cryptographic Extension Survey
> https://inside.java/2022/04/12/jce-survey/
> As usual, let us know if you find any issues while testing your
> project(s) on the latest JDK early-access builds. Thanks for your support!
> --David

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