Hi All,

Seems we need to do another cull of projects storing way too much data.

Below are everyone above 1GB. Just FYI, 1GB is fine, likely 50GB is fine,
but above
that, its just too much. I will be removing 1TB of data from wherever I can
get it.

Please, look after your jobs, and your fellow projects by limiting what you

1.6T    Tomee
451G    Kafka
303G    james
176G    carbondata
129G    Jackrabbit
71G     Brooklyn
64G     Sling
64G     Netbeans
60G     Ranger
38G     AsterixDB
33G     OODT
29G     Tika
27G     Syncope
24G     Atlas
20G     IoTDB
18G     CXF
16G     POI
11G     Solr
11G     Mesos
8.7G    Royale
7.8G    Lucene
7.6G    MyFaces
7.6G    Directory
6.4G    OpenJPA
6.0G    ManifoldCF
5.9G    ActiveMQ
5.7G    Logging
5.6G    Archiva
5.5G    UIMA
5.3G    ctakes
4.7G    Heron
4.6G    Jena
4.0G    OpenOffice
3.8G    Cloudstack
3.4G    Shiro
2.5G    Qpid
2.1G    JSPWiki
2.1G    JMeter
2.0G    JClouds
1.8G    Santuario
1.8G    OpenMeetings
1.8G    Camel
1.7G    Karaf
1.7G    HttpComponents
1.7G    Ant
1.5G    Tapestry
1.5G    Commons
1.3G    DeltaSpike
1.2G    Rya
1.2G    Aries
1.2G    Accumulo
1.1G    PDFBox


*Gavin McDonald*
Systems Administrator
ASF Infrastructure Team

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