Unfortunately, if most projects follow a similar workflow, we will be unable to 
sustain this given the limitations of dockerHub. We have a 200 user max, and 
300+ projects. 

I've not been impressed with their support either, they cannot even tell us a 
'last accessed' date for the users in our Org.

I realize dockerHub is the center of the docker ecosystem at this point being 
the primary registry. Would providing alternative registries help us in any 
way? I believe our jFrog artifactory instance can act as a docker registry.


> On Jan 21, 2022, at 9:30 AM, Jarek Potiuk <ja...@potiuk.com> wrote:
> We are pushing DockerHub images using personal accounts in Airflow. I
> believe we have three "active" users - Kaxil, Jarek, Ash, likely some more
> seasoned PMC members (those can be removed), Basically everyone who is a
> member of the "airflow" team in DockerHub.
> But we also would like to add one or two more people as we have several
> people who can assume the release manager role.
> Is there a way we can keep the workflow where several release managers
> prepare (and sign)  images manually and push the images there?
> I also have a comment about autobuilds - I heartily recommend not to use
> them and especially not to rely on them if you rely on fast and reliable
> providing images to your users.
> We used autobuilds in the past but they are terribly slow and unreliable
> (we had multiple cases where the autobuilds were hanging and actually
> blocking our release). Sometimes the queue was not cleared for days without
> help or response from DockerHub.
> * GitHub issue with 48 comments about stuck/pending builds :
> https://github.com/docker/hub-feedback/issues/1935 (last one Dec 2021)
> * Builds stuck in pending:
> https://forums.docker.com/t/build-stuck-in-pending-on-docker-hub/1360
> * Slow builds:
> https://forums.docker.com/t/why-does-it-take-so-long-for-the-docker-hub-automated-builds-to-upload-the-built-image/1653/29
> * Duplicated and slow builds:
> https://forums.docker.com/t/in-docker-auto-build-images-building-duplicates-please-fix-this-images-building-very-long-it-was-taking-more-than-1-hour/87705/2
> * Duplicated builds (I raised this)
> https://forums.docker.com/t/duplicate-builds-again/93127
> I raised and commented and followed up about it in a number of issues
> (follow the links) a number of times, None of the issues raised for ~ 1
> year (with follow-ups) got any reasonable response from DockerHub (I was
> following it very closely). After those experiences I do not trust
> autobuilds at all.
> Autobuilds caused us major pain and long delays in providing reference
> images to our users.
> This was a major problem for us therefore eventually we switched to Github
> Registry for CI and we only use DockerHub to do manual pushing of the
> images (we experienced pretty much no problems since).
> We only use DockerHub to push "release images" and it's part of the release
> process of ours - we treat the images the same way as "source releases" -
> we prepare it on the "hardware" owned by the release manager
> (semi-automatically using the same scripts as are used on CI) and push them
> from there (I actually plan to sign those images very soon too with private
> keys).
> J
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 5:57 PM Chris Lambertus <c...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> We have reached our 200 seat maximum for dockerhub users in the Apache
>> organization, and Docker Hub is unable to provide any activity records for
>> those users, so we do not know who to cull.
>> Do we have any internal contacts amongst the list at DockerHub who might
>> be able to assist?
>> If not, we'll need to start removing users at more-or-less random as
>> needed.
>> Infra will be moving to a more conservative process for adding dockerhub
>> users in the future. We will request that:
>> - autobuilds be used where possible instead of manual creation
>> - user access to dockerhub/teams be limited to a max of 2 per project
>> - all use of dockerhub for pushing artifacts from build servers be limited
>> to the Infra-provided accounts for this purpose (e.g don't use personal
>> accounts to push artifacts)
>> If your project falls into any of the above categories, please let us know
>> ASAP so we can trim excess users.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
>> ASF Infra

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