Hi folks, We have reached our 200 seat maximum for dockerhub users in the Apache organization, and Docker Hub is unable to provide any activity records for those users, so we do not know who to cull.
Do we have any internal contacts amongst the list at DockerHub who might be able to assist? If not, we'll need to start removing users at more-or-less random as needed. Infra will be moving to a more conservative process for adding dockerhub users in the future. We will request that: - autobuilds be used where possible instead of manual creation - user access to dockerhub/teams be limited to a max of 2 per project - all use of dockerhub for pushing artifacts from build servers be limited to the Infra-provided accounts for this purpose (e.g don't use personal accounts to push artifacts) If your project falls into any of the above categories, please let us know ASAP so we can trim excess users. Thanks, Chris ASF Infra