> On Jan 8, 2021, at 1:33 PM, Jarek Potiuk <ja...@potiuk.com> wrote:

> We moved to GA when we had exactly the same troubles with
> Apache-organisation run Travis. more than a year ago we got in very much
> the same situation and GA seemed like an easy win for us.

The ASF does not run Travis. We pay a large amount of money TO Travis for 
additional workers on top of the free tier. The reason I ask for discussion 
regarding Jenkins usability is because throwing infinite money at solutions 
like Travis is not an option. Now you find yourself in the same position with 
GA, in that the free tier is insufficient. This is why I would like to focus on 
improving ASF provided resources before considering throwing infinite funding 
at vendors when there are serious known security problems, lack of 
communication, and lack of insight into how the resources are used.


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