I've added an interest :). Timing is good !

On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 11:06 PM Gavin McDonald <gmcdon...@apache.org>

> Hi All,
> I had a thought that it might be an interesting idea to have a meeting
> space where folks from this list can chat with each other and Infra about
> all things ASF CI. It is also a chance to informally meet some members
> of the Infra Team.
> The meeting agenda is open and everyone is welcome to submit ideas
> for topics of interest to talk about. You might want to talk about how your
> own project does things in a certain way, or ask questions to others, offer
> up
> some suggestions. Talk about the Infrastructure in general, what works for
> you, what doesn't. Infra will always have some representation should you
> want
> to ask any questions of the team about what's happening in a certain area,
> what needs improvement etc, new ideas for how certain things might get
> done.
> Obviously I watch this list constantly, and I know there are some hot
> topics
> currently that I'm sure some of you will want to discuss, but I'm
> leaving the
> agenda to you all. I have added just one item, Dockerhub, feel free to add
> your own.
> There is a cwiki page [1] that you can edit to record your interest in
> attending,
> this helps gauge how busy we'll be. I aim for the meeting to take around
> 1 hour. This first meeting I have organised for next week, Wednesday at 7PM
> time. I hope that is a suitable time for most.
> The meeting place is being organised and published tomorrow.
> To clarify, this is a 'Builds' meeting, not an Infra one, but we'll be
> there.
> I hope that this proves popular, and if so aim to have a monthly chat.
> Let's take advantage of this and make it work for everyone.
> [1] - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/ASF+Builds+Agenda
> --
> *Gavin McDonald*
> Systems Administrator
> ASF Infrastructure Team


Jarek Potiuk
Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Principal Software Engineer

M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129>
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