On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 10:06 PM Chris Lambertus <c...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Joan,
> I’m adding CC: vp-infra for visibility.
> The reason Infra aggressively prunes docker cache on the build nodes is that 
> projects generally do not clean up after their builds, and run the nodes out 
> of space with infinite docker images. Our donated general purpose build 
> hardware resources are limited, but this automated cache purging could be 
> removed from project sponsored nodes if the project was willing to manage 
> their own disk usage.
> Some notes:
> - Infra supports credentialed builds using secrets in a variety of ways.
> - Infra really wants to avoid per-project secret escrow
> - the ASF does not have a relationship (that I am aware of) with DockerHub
> - I’m skeptical that our builds collectively are pulling this many docker 
> images in this short a timespan per-node (we have ~50 nodes).
> I took a quick google tour of open source docker registries, and there are a 
> few that we could potentially deploy, but without any kind of metrics 
> available to us, I’m inclined to let the situation evolve. Presuming 
> Dockerhub implements these rules, I would hope that usage metrics would 
> become available, and we could then decide how best to approach a solution.

I'm pretty sure I can get us special dispensations from JFrog (who
have, in my opinion, the best registry ever!)


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