If I understand correctly, when our build runs on ubuntu2, it's running
with an effective ulimit of 1024? With regard to the other ubuntu machines,
were you saying they run with a ulimit of 40000 or that you're not sure
about their effective ulimit?


> Re: Fw: Too Many Open Files in Aries Build
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Jake Farrell <jfarr...@apache.org>
> > ubuntu2 has the ulimit set to 40000 as one of the first calls in
> > /etc/init.d/ssh. matches all other ubuntu slaves
> >
> However, the effective ulimit is 1024:
> ngn@aegis /home/ngn :) sudo -u hudson ssh vesta.apache.org ulimit -n
> 1024
> I'm not sure what differs between hosts, but it is running an older
> of Ubuntu.
> /niklas

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