On 12/01/2010, Brett Porter <br...@apache.org> wrote:
>  On 12/01/2010, at 10:16 PM, sebb wrote:
>  >
>  > Waiting for the build to occur - it takes at least 3 hours for the
>  > build to turn round, even if the build is triggered manually.
> This should be alleviated as we remove projects no longer building on there, 
> and upgrade to better distribute / parallelise the load.
>  > It's
>  > also really difficult to tell if the build has been triggered OK
>  > (though the email will show this)
> Not sure what you mean here - it should show queued until it gets its turn to 
> run?

There is no confirmation from clicking the "Build Now" button.

It's not clear from the queue listing if the entry in the queue is
there because it was scheduled or because it was manually triggered.

I tried triggering Commons DBCP twice just now. It was already in the
DEFAULT_BUILD_QUEUE, so I expected at least 1 other build to be added
at the end of the queue, but there is no sign of another entry.

Clicking on a build entry in the queue takes one to the build results
for the project which is not all that useful.

The e-mailed result (if there is one) will show if the build was
scheduled or manually triggered.

>  >
>  >> Which build result email are you concerned about? I can at least gather 
> some more details first and see if we can narrow down the cause.
>  >>
>  >
>  > Unfortunately, the last 2 builds succeeded (just after I added a bit
>  > more debug!), but there have been several earlier failures, see:
> So far it seems to be a timing issue related either to the clock skew or 
> maybe load on the box at the time. Let's keep an eye on it and take a look if 
> it fails in the same test again.
>  > BTW, Phil Steitz has been trying to get an Ant Java 1.5 build going
>  > for Commons DBCP, but not having much luck so far.
> I'll add that to the list once we get the projects cleaned up...
>  - Brett
>  --
>  Brett Porter
>  br...@apache.org
>  http://brettporter.wordpress.com/

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