On 12/01/2010, Brett Porter <br...@apache.org> wrote:
>  On 12/01/2010, at 6:03 AM, sebb wrote:
>  > Which version of Ubuntu?
>  8.04 LTS. Some of the JDKs are a bit older, which may be a cause.
>  >
>  > Is there perhaps a VMWare image I could use to try to debug the problem?
> Only to copy the current one - though getting you a shell account with 
> limited access might be better if that's necessary.

If that would allow running mvn and ant, and svn update, that might be
a way forward. Ideally need to test using Java 1.6 and 1.5/1.4

>  >
>  > The slow turn-round on the Continuum server makes debugging it rather 
> tedious.
> Which aspect is slow - waiting for the default hourly schedule, or some other 
> aspect?

Waiting for the build to occur - it takes at least 3 hours for the
build to turn round, even if the build is triggered manually. It's
also really difficult to tell if the build has been triggered OK
(though the email will show this).

>  Which build result email are you concerned about? I can at least gather some 
> more details first and see if we can narrow down the cause.

Unfortunately, the last 2 builds succeeded (just after I added a bit
more debug!), but there have been several earlier failures, see:


Note that the change in build 135 was very minor, and only affected a
debug statement processed after the test completes, so cannot have
fixed the problem:

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=897906&view=rev
More debug for Continuum fail

BTW, Phil Steitz has been trying to get an Ant Java 1.5 build going
for Commons DBCP, but not having much luck so far.

>  - Brett
>  --
>  Brett Porter
>  br...@apache.org
>  http://brettporter.wordpress.com/

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