Justin and I (Hudson admins) have been asking build owners to subscribe to infrastructure@ for this kind of info. I guess that's no longer the right place? Justin, should we change that and ask folks to signup here?

Also, Gavin can we have ci.apache.org go to a page that points to the 3 CI choices that Apache projects have: Buildbot, Continuum, and Hudson?


On Apr 9, 2009, at 7:20 PM, Gavin wrote:

Hi All,

I see some are here already, good!

The main aim of this list is to be a gathering place where all Apache
projects can get together with the various admins of the various build
services that Apache runs.

If any project wants a new service running on one of the build servers, or
wants configuration changes or additions, this is the place to ask.

If anyone spots any problems with any of the build servers or the projects running on them, the Jira Issue Tracker for Infra [1] is the main place to report such problems in the first instance, but can also be reported and/or
discussed here.

On the flip-side - this is where us admins can also ask questions of the projects themselves. One of the reasons for creating this list was so that I
did not have to subscribe to 50+ mailing lists in order to ask for the
occasional bit of build requirements/info when setting up new builds etc.

For my part, I'm here to look after the Buildbot instance - ci.apache.org. I will no doubt be asking as well as hopefully answering and assisting. For the othe CI's such as Hudson, Continuum etc there are other folks here to
help and assist with those.

Feel free to ask any questions or make comments, enjoy.


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