On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 06:01:55AM -0600, Eric Blake wrote:
> Thanks for the report.  Both appendices are generated via verbatim inclusion
> of pre-existing .texi files from upstream, and a quick scan of both
> documents shows that they use '@enumerate 0' prior to the headings in
> question.  The html rendering is generated with 'makeinfo'.
> The effect that you are seeing is not limited to m4; I see the same 1-based
> html rendering in the coreutils manual, for example:
> https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/coreutils/manual/coreutils.html#GNU-Free-Documentation-License
> shows "1. PREAMBLE", but
> info coreutils 'GNU Free Documentation License'
> shows "0. PREAMBLE"
> So this smells like a makeinfo bug, in that it is unable to properly render
> @enumerate 0 into something that adjusts the html rendering.  But it also
> looks like a bug that was fixed recently, because when I do 'make -C doc
> html' locally with texinfo 6.6 installed (on Fedora 31), the html output is
> different: the online page used <ol>, but my local page used <ol start="0">.
> So all that really remains is to release m4 1.4.19 with updated gnulib
> dependencies (needed anyways), where the release process will trigger a
> rebuild of the web pages with newer makeinfo, such that the resulting web
> page will then have correct numbering.

Yes, this bug was fixed quite some time ago.

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