[adding bug-texinfo]

On 2/22/20 5:24 AM, Aaaaaa 123456789 wrote:
Good evening,

I was reading the m4 documentation you have posted at
and I noticed that there's a very minor bug with the included copy of
the GPLv3 (in appendix A). The original GPLv3 text numbers its
sections starting from 0, but your copy uses 1-based numbering,
causing all cross-references to other sections to be off by one. (For
instance, "You may convey a covered work in object code form under the
terms of sections 4 and 5" at the beginning of the "Conveying
Non-Source Forms" section should actually reference sections 5 and 6
by your renumbering.)
The GFDL in appendix B also uses 1-based numbering, but I'm not
familiar with it enough to determine if there are any similar
off-by-one errors or not.

Thanks for the report. Both appendices are generated via verbatim inclusion of pre-existing .texi files from upstream, and a quick scan of both documents shows that they use '@enumerate 0' prior to the headings in question. The html rendering is generated with 'makeinfo'.

The effect that you are seeing is not limited to m4; I see the same 1-based html rendering in the coreutils manual, for example:
shows "1. PREAMBLE", but
info coreutils 'GNU Free Documentation License'
shows "0. PREAMBLE"

So this smells like a makeinfo bug, in that it is unable to properly render @enumerate 0 into something that adjusts the html rendering. But it also looks like a bug that was fixed recently, because when I do 'make -C doc html' locally with texinfo 6.6 installed (on Fedora 31), the html output is different: the online page used <ol>, but my local page used <ol start="0">. So all that really remains is to release m4 1.4.19 with updated gnulib dependencies (needed anyways), where the release process will trigger a rebuild of the web pages with newer makeinfo, such that the resulting web page will then have correct numbering.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3226
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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