Thank you! I have no problem typing my username and password for now. It seems 
like whatever I did worked. Thank you for your patience!

On abr. 25 2022, at 10:19 pm, Jean Abou Samra <> wrote:
> Le 25/04/2022 à 22:08, Martín Rincón Botero a écrit :
> > Dear Jean,
> >
> > I'm already at "Uploading your branch for review". Writing git push -u
> > fork articulate-trill produces a similar permission error:
> > Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
> > fatal: No se pudo leer del repositorio remoto.
> >
> > Por favor asegúrate de que tengas los permisos de acceso correctos
> > y que el repositorio exista.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Martín.
> Yes, sorry, I should have thought about that earlier. It's the same
> problem: there are two protocols you can use to communicate with
> GitLab, HTTPS and SSH; SSH is a bit longer to set up, but HTTPS
> requires that you enter your GitLab login and password every time.
> If you want to keep it consistent with what you did earlier,
> where I advised to clone the repository via HTTPS, you should
> change the URL of the fork remote, which I supposed you configured
> as per
> namely in SSH. To do that,
> $ git remote set-url fork
> Alternatively, take the time to set up SSH. The steps are outlined at
> You will then want to bring remotes in consistency by changing origin
> to SSH instead of HTTPS:
> $ git remote set-url origin
> In any case, you can check the setup of URLs for remotes using
> $ git remote -v
> Jean
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