Le 25/04/2022 à 22:08, Martín Rincón Botero a écrit :
Dear Jean,

I'm already at "Uploading your branch for review". Writing git push -u fork articulate-trill produces a similar permission error:
g...@gitlab.com: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
fatal: No se pudo leer del repositorio remoto.

Por favor asegúrate de que tengas los permisos de acceso correctos
y que el repositorio exista.


Yes, sorry, I should have thought about that earlier. It's the same
problem: there are two protocols you can use to communicate with
GitLab, HTTPS and SSH; SSH is a bit longer to set up, but HTTPS
requires that you enter your GitLab login and password every time.
If you want to keep it consistent with what you did earlier,
where I advised to clone the repository via HTTPS, you should
change the URL of the fork remote, which I supposed you configured
as per
namely in SSH. To do that,

$ git remote set-url fork https://gitlab.com/your-gitlab-user-name/lilypond.git

Alternatively, take the time to set up SSH. The steps are outlined at

You will then want to bring remotes in consistency by changing origin
to SSH instead of HTTPS:

$ git remote set-url origin g...@gitlab.com:lilypond/lilypond.git

In any case, you can check the setup of URLs for remotes using

$ git remote -v


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