Example file:
timetrack =
  \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t
  \skip 1
  \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##f
  \skip 1*2

music =

\score {
  << \music
     \context Staff \timetrack
  \midi { }
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "/tmp/" -*-
Compilation started at Mon Oct 18 20:12:06

lilypond /tmp/bad.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.23.5 (running Guile 1.8)
Processing `/tmp/bad.ly'
/tmp/bad.ly:1: warning: no \version statement found, please add

\version "2.23.5"

for future compatibility
Interpreting music...
programming error: no current dynamic
continuing, cross fingers
MIDI output to `bad.midi'...
programming error: asked to compute volume at -1.000000 for dynamic span of 
duration 1.000000 starting at 1
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: asked to compute volume at -1.000000 for dynamic span of 
duration 1.000000 starting at 1
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: asked to compute volume at -1.000000 for dynamic span of 
duration 1.000000 starting at 2
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: asked to compute volume at -1.000000 for dynamic span of 
duration 1.000000 starting at 2
continuing, cross fingers
Success: compilation successfully completed

Compilation finished at Mon Oct 18 20:12:07

David Kastrup
bug-lilypond mailing list

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