I'm encountering something odd.

\version "2.18.2"

\new Staff = "bass" {
  \time 4/4
  \clef bass
  \key g \major

    \new Voice = "bs" {

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bs" {

    \new Voice = "br" {
      r4 d2.

    \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "bass" } {
      \lyricsto "br" {

  \new Voice = "unis" {
    \relative c {
      c4. a8 g2
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "unis" {
    seem to go?

This is outputting the polyphonic measure just fine, but the subsequent
notes once moving to one voice don't output. I'm given the following output:

Starting lilypond 2.18.2 [Untitled]...
> Processing `/tmp/frescobaldi-dken0tug/tmp3fo7nfbt/document.ly'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...
> /tmp/frescobaldi-dken0tug/tmp3fo7nfbt/document.ly:33:11 <0>: warning:
> adding note head to incompatible stem (type = 1/4)
> c4.
> a8 g2
> /tmp/frescobaldi-dken0tug/tmp3fo7nfbt/document.ly:33:11 <1>: warning:
> maybe input should specify polyphonic voices
> c4.
> a8 g2
> /tmp/frescobaldi-dken0tug/tmp3fo7nfbt/document.ly:36:15 <2>: warning:
> cannot find Voice `unis'
> \new Lyrics
> \lyricsto "unis" {
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...
> Drawing systems...
> Layout output to `document.ps'...
> Converting to `./document.pdf'...
> Success: compilation successfully completed
> Completed successfully in 0.5".

I keep trying to play around with this to identify what's happening more
clearly, but it seems like the lyrics when it's in polyphony are somehow
not "resetting" once it goes back to one voice. If I omit all lyrics, then
the voices lay out correctly. The strange thing is that I use the pattern
elsewhere in the score without issues, so maybe there's also some factor
specific to the voices as well.

Happy to help if you need anything answered!
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