"DaveAtkinson" <d...@davea.org.uk> wrote in message
Dear LilyPond folks
Thanks so much for taking an interest. First, I forgot two important
of information - yes, I am using Windows... (hangs head in shame) and it
16 Gb of memory.. The OS is 64 bit, but I don't suppose that matters to
lilypond as compiled for windows..?
So interesting... it is clear that overuse of the << \\ >> construct
issues. I would welcome comments about how to re-write the score without
If the correct way to do it is
then an affirmation would be sufficient rather than a tutorial, which
be greatly appreciated otherwise ;-).
I can't see your example, but I would do your first two bars like this:
global = {
\key f \major
\time 3/4
rhnotesupper = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\tempo 4=83
s4 s <f a>16-.( <f a>-. <f a>-. <f a>-.) |
\voiceOne <f' a>-.( <f a>-. <f a>-. <f a>-.) \oneVoice <f, a>16-.( <f a>-.
<f a>-. <f a>-.) <f, a>-.( <f a>-. <f a>-. <f a>-.) |
rhnoteslower = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\tempo 4=83
s1*3/4 |
\voiceTwo <f c'>4 s s |
lhnotesupper = \relative c {
\clef bass
\voiceOne <a c f>16-.( <a c f>-. <a c f>-. <a c f>-.) <f' a>-.( <f a>-.
<f a>-. <f a>-.) \oneVoice <f c'>4 |
s <f c'> <f, c'> |
lhnoteslower = \relative c {
\clef bass
\voiceTwo f,,4\sustainOn <f' c'> |
s1*3/4 |
\score {
\new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = #"Piano" }
\new Staff = "upper"
\new Voice = "top" \rhnotesupper
\new Voice = "next" \rhnoteslower
\new Staff = "lower"
\new Voice = "topLH" \lhnotesupper
\new Voice = "nextLH" \lhnoteslower
\layout { }
\midi { }
The first, I confess to sometimes using lilypond to generate midi files
piano accompaniments so that I can practise the main part when I don't
the luxury of a pianist (which is almost all the time). I am therefore
copying existing scores. In order to eliminate (!) mistakes, I do it a few
bars at a time, as corrections are much easier for me to do in the last
bars. If I were to use two voices for the whole of a staff, once I'd
the first staff, going back and finding the places where two voices are
required, and filing in all the spaces, is tedious and taxing for me...
I create music (normally from renaissance polyphony) and simply have four
voices and add a few bars to each at a time. I then compile, check and add
a few more bars to each. My only other suggestion (which Kieren, a regular
contributor and composer would agree with) is that you might find not using
\relative means it's easier to keep track of which octave you're currently
The second reason, if I were to write a staff as two lines, all the parts
where there is effectively only a single voice look horrible, because all
the rests and note stems look wrong.
\oneVoice, \voiceOne, \voiceTwo etc. are your friends.
Phil Holmes
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