Hello Dave, We keep seeing this a lot on the various lilypond lists. I don't think anybody really knows why, but having lots of voices coming and going like you have seems to throw errors with the compiler under poorly defined conditions.
With the politest respect, can I say this? You are not the only one that writes like this. While is is legal, and parses, and works to a certain extent, it seems to me that people have got hold of the wrong end of the stick. Basically one would normally write a set of continuous voices for the piece, not one per bar. I can't fathom where that idea came from, but it seems to be a recurring meme. The best advice is to write in the commonly accepted way. I write massively complex piano music and using the normal lilypond way of multiple long running voices, several per hand for piano, works fine for scores well over 200 pages long. So, yes, I think it's a bug, but because it is a stilted usage for which there is a perfectly good solution - write more normal code - it's unlikely to get fixed, as it is very elusive. As others say, it's hard to establish just exactly what pushes it over the edge. Another comment is that this appears to be perfectly normal, and indeed simplistic, piano music - I cant see any musical reason for what you are doing. This answer is not meant to offend you. But it's funny how this style of writing keeps popping up. Perhaps there is something in the NR that gives people the wrong impression when reading about multiple voices, maybe? You won't find bug reports about this, but if you search the user archives you will find this comes up a lot. Andrew _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list bug-lilypond@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond