A bit few data points to make that kind of conclusion, isn't it?
However, using
For ($x=10; $x -le 1000; $x+=10) {
$duration=Measure-Command { echo "\version ""2.18.2"" { \time 3/8 s4.*$x }"
| lilypond - }
echo $x, $duration.TotalSeconds >> result.txt

I get this figure:

Definitely looks quadratic in the limit.​
(didn't wait for it to finish, I'll let you know if anything interesting
happens in the next couple of hours...)​

​Kind regards

David Gustavsson

On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 9:20 AM, Noeck <noeck.marb...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I don’t know the internals enough, but isn’t it plausible that things
> like finding the optimal line break etc. have a n² complexity
> ("squared"). That fits quite well to your data points ("Simon").
> Fortunately it does not seem to be exponential ("exp")...
> Joram
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