On 20 July 2016 at 17:01, Federico Bruni wrote:
> Il giorno mer 20 lug 2016 alle 16:50, Mojca Miklavec ha scritto:
>> If this is a platform-specific problem, can you please:
>> - send your midi file for comparison (mine is attached)
>> - test whether UTF-8 characters are handled properly during conversion
>> (I initially thought the problem was in non-ascii characters, but then
>> I removed the non-ascii ones and the problem persisted)
> Converting from your MIDI file triggers the problem here as well:
> $ file test-midi-mac.ly
> test-midi-mac.ly: data
> See attached file.
> I attach also my MIDI file so you can double-check midi2ly on your mac.

OK, thanks. So the problem lies in the midi generator then rather than
in the converter (the other question is whether the midi2ly converter
should also do some cleanup in such cases).

It's also worth noting that QuickTime Player 7 always shows super
weird file names when playing midi files. Maybe this was the reason.


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