On 20 July 2016 at 16:35, Federico Bruni wrote:
> Il giorno mer 20 lug 2016 alle 16:14, Mojca Miklavec ha scritto:
>> I wanted to test the conversion from midi to Lilypond. I took a midi
>> file generated with LilyPond, converted it to LilyPond with
>> arch -32
>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python
>> /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/midi2ly test.midi
>> (I didn't find any more intuitive way to do the conversion)
>> But then lilypond failed to process the generated ly file:
>>>  lilypond test-midi.ly
>> GNU LilyPond 2.19.44
>> Processing `test-midi.ly'
>> Parsing...
>> test-midi.ly:16:32: warning: non-UTF-8 input
>>   \set Staff.instrumentName = "
>>                                ??a
>> test-midi.ly:16:33: warning: non-UTF-8 input
>>   \set Staff.instrumentName = "?
>>                                 ?a
>> test-midi.ly:16:32: error: EOF found inside string
>>   \set Staff.instrumentName = "
>>                                ??a
>> test-midi.ly:16:32: error: syntax error, unexpected end of input
>>   \set Staff.instrumentName = "
>>                                ??a
>> fatal error: failed files: "test-midi.ly"
>> This is easy to work around by deleting / manually changing the
>> instrument name, but it's weird enough that LilyPond cannot process
>> its own files.
> Hi Mojca
> It's an issue with your system.
> The file format of test-midi.ly is wrong:
> $ file tmp/test.ly
> tmp/test.ly: ASCII text
> $ file tmp/test-midi.ly
> tmp/test-midi.ly: data
> in particular this line:
> \set Staff.instrumentName = "\FE\FF a \00u\00r\00e\00k"
> Find attached my (correct) .ly file generated from the MIDI file.

If this is a platform-specific problem, can you please:
- send your midi file for comparison (mine is attached)
- test whether UTF-8 characters are handled properly during conversion
(I initially thought the problem was in non-ascii characters, but then
I removed the non-ascii ones and the problem persisted)

Is there any good "midi viewer" around?

Thank you,

Attachment: test.midi
Description: MIDI audio

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