Dan Eble <d...@faithful.be> writes:

> Simon Albrecht <simon.albrecht <at> mail.de> writes:
>> On 18.10.2015 13:25, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
>> > Hi Simon,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the reply. I am not sure I understand your answer, do you 
>> > mean that in the tiny example I created I should simply have used a 
>> > "Solo I" indication in the fourth bar instead of using rests?
>> No, the solo indication should be created automatically by the 
>> partcombiner. It isn’t in 2.19.15, but that’s a bug fixed in 2.19.16. Is 
>> there any particular reason why you’d need to stick to that version?
> I would like to chime in with a reliable statement of help, but I am
> not very familiar with the implementation of the force commands.  I
> vaguely recall that a force command overrides one particular decision
> of the part combiner *at the point it is used* rather than for the
> entire span of time until the next force command.  I could be wrong.
> David K. should have a much better idea; I think he made changes in
> that area recently.

The behavior is the same as previously.  The force commands work until
the next force command is made unless you use a "once" form (the input
syntax has changed, but "once" is contained in one form or another in
the resulting command).

> So if you could get his attention--maybe make a donation--he could
> probably help you. ;-)

Sadly, money does not direct my attention.  At best my guilt but that's
a very unreliable force to reckon with.

David Kastrup

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