Eluze <elu...@gmail.com> writes:

> with the code below(from the French LilyPond user list
> http://lilypond-french-users.1298960.n2.nabble.com/Ligature-conditionnelle-de-croches-tt7580226.html#a7580231):
> \version "2.16.0"
> #(ly:add-option 'beamoff #t "Disables manual beams")
> #(if (eqv? (ly:get-option 'beamoff) #t)
>   (list
>     (define bracketOpenSymbol #(make-music 'Music))
>     (define bracketCloseSymbol #(make-music 'Music)))
>   #{#})

This is totally confused.  It defines bracketOpenSymbol as a vector
consisting of the symbol make-music and the list (quote Music).  But it
puts these definitions in a list where they don't make sense.  This is a
totally confused mixture of Scheme and LilyPond code.  Not using #(...)
inside of Scheme instead of the probably desired (...) would already
help, but the rest looks pretty much equally awkward.  I am surprised
that it is supposed to do anything, actually.

> there are errors (under Windows 7):
> programming error: Not a music type
> continuing, cross fingers

Probably because bracketOpenSymbol is set to something which is not
music but a vector.

> is something wrong with the function or is it a bug in windows?

Well, much of LilyPond is not crash-safe if you stuff unexpected data
structures into semi-internal variables.

David Kastrup

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