"Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net> wrote in message
"ArnoldTheresius" <arnold.we...@siemens.com> wrote in message
and there are at least some *fundamental* enhancement requests for
I'm not sure if they're allready listed, and I did not check until now in
the issue list:
- no UTF-8 support (I would expect: UTF-8 only) [698]
- no reuse of allready opened edit windows (popup the edit window if the
file is allready opened, and send a »goto line/column command« to this
- no display of the current line and column of the cursor position
- no »goto line/column« in the menu
All this lead me to use notepad together with a special
»popup_or_launch_notepad__then_goto_line_and_column« at my installation.
Nevertheless, I'll try if I can get lilypad cross-compiled in the UBUNTU
development VM image (mingw is allready added).
Using notepad-plus as a new base of lilypad (or call it then
would still be much work - perhaps too much work.
I often aksed myself if it's worth for me to create a special text editor
use with lilypond on windows, but I know this would be a lot of work even
I can start with another freeware editor. Perhaps more time required than
can afford.
I've managed to compile lilypad on my Windows machine using mingw gcc.
What I've discovered firstly is that the version we deliver is not the one
you get when you compile the source on github. So the first issue is to
fix that, and then consider some simple enhancements. (BTW - the "new"
version opens at the right line and column).
Phil Holmes
Bug Squad
The lilypad delivered with 2.17.16 is now updated to be the one in GitHub.
I've got an updated version on my PC that supports the Find function
better - the found string is highlighted and the window scrolls to the
string that's been found. I'll likely include this in the next release and
mark http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=534 as fixed.
Please open a new tracker for the other enhancement requests - I think it
would be best to have one request per issue, since some are relatively
simple and some not so.
Phil Holmes
Bug Squad
bug-lilypond mailing list