Rutger Hofman <> writes:

> Good morning bug list,
> I meet the following bug:
> \version "2.16.0"
> {
>     % \override Hairpin #'minimum-length = #5
>     \time 3/4
>     \clef F
>     << e2. { s4\< s4\> s4\!_"poco cresc." } >> |
>     d2. |
> }
> which puts a < from the first 4 until the second, a > from the second
> 4 to the third 4, and continues with some markup under the third
> 4. The bug is that the > is not terminated, it flows until the end or
> some other dynamic. See attached.

The bug is not related to musical timing as one can see when replacing
d2. with d16 d d d d d d d ...

The bug is that the "poco cresc." is tucked under the following phrase,
and that the decrescendo spanner is stretched along with it for some
reason when it should, if at all, orient itself on the _left_ edge of
"poco cresc.".

David Kastrup

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