On Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:35:14 -0500
Pavel Roskin <pro...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm trying to use explicit dynamics contexts to align dynamics, avoid
> duplicates and position pedal marks as in the original score, as
> suggested here:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/Documentation/learning/piano-templates
> But when using \pageBreak, the lowest dynamics line doesn't stay with
> the above staves.  Instead, it's positioned in the middle between
> staff groups.
> In this example, I'm using ragged-last-bottom to keep the example on
> one page.
> The problem is reproducible with today's mainline Lilypond (commit
> 0c61221b46addec50e2406e04af44a7d460443d4).
> I consider it a bug.  I'll appreciate if somebody suggests a
> workaround.

Sorry, here's the minimal example:

\version "2.15.20"
\paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##f }
RightOne = \relative c' { c1 \break | c1 }
Pedal = { s1 \p }
\score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff <<
        \context Voice = "RightOne" { \RightOne }
      \new Dynamics = "pedal" \Pedal
  \layout {}

Pavel Roskin

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