Neil Puttock wrote:
> On 14 July 2011 22:25, -Eluze <> wrote:
>> there is another question (may be i should start a new post for that?):
>>  { < b - \tweak #'direction #-1 -5 > }
>> does not have any effect: the fingering is still above the note?! what am
>> i
>> missing?
> It works like this:
> 1) New_fingering_engraver creates a Fingering grob;
> 2) Tweak_engraver sees the Fingering and applies the 'direction tweak;
> 3) New_fingering_engraver waits until the end of the current timestep
> before deciding where to put fingerings based on fingeringOrientations
> and sets 'direction accordingly, thus overwriting the \tweak.
> You can use explicit directions inside chords though, so it's not
> really a problem:
> { <b_5> }
thanks for this clarification, i was not aware that explicit directions also
work for fingerings (thought one has to do it all with

the snippet has been fixed now and i think the LSR should be updated. (the
new version can be found here:


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