On 14 July 2011 22:25, -Eluze <elu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> there is another question (may be i should start a new post for that?):
>  { < b - \tweak #'direction #-1 -5 > }
> does not have any effect: the fingering is still above the note?! what am i
> missing?

It works like this:

1) New_fingering_engraver creates a Fingering grob;

2) Tweak_engraver sees the Fingering and applies the 'direction tweak;

3) New_fingering_engraver waits until the end of the current timestep
before deciding where to put fingerings based on fingeringOrientations
and sets 'direction accordingly, thus overwriting the \tweak.

You can use explicit directions inside chords though, so it's not
really a problem:

{ <b_5> }


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