Status: Accepted Owner: ---- Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Low
New issue 1630 by Completion heads engraver produces duplicate ties Reported by Ornello: The completion heads engraver produces duplicate ties (see following example): -------------------------- \version "2.12.3" \layout { \context { \Voice \remove "Note_heads_engraver" \consists "Completion_heads_engraver" } } { c2 ~ c8 } ------------------------- This example produces correct image, but instead of one tie, two ties are produced at the identical position. This can be verified e.g. by running lilypond with the -dbackend=scm option from the command line (I have marked the duplicate tie grobs in the scm output below): ------------------------- ;;Creator: LilyPond ;; raw SCM output ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;PAGE (translate-stencil (5.69055118110236 . 0.0) (combine-stencil (combine-stencil (combine-stencil () (translate-stencil (0.0 . -5.12149606299213) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . 2.27622047244094) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (54.0602362204724 . 0.0) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (54.0602362204724 . 0.0) "") "")) (utf-8-string "Century Schoolbook L 3.865234375" " "))) ""))) (translate-stencil (0.0 . -7.45015748031496) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (8.53582677165354 . -4.5) (grob-cause #<Grob LedgerLineSpanner > (translate-stencil (-8.53582677165354 . 0.0) (combine-stencil (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -3.0) (round-filled-box -16.8883247716535 18.9733007716535 0.1 0.1 0.2)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -4.0) (round-filled-box -16.8883247716535 18.9733007716535 0.1 0.1 0.2)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -5.0) (round-filled-box -16.8883247716535 18.9733007716535 0.1 0.1 0.2)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -6.0) (round-filled-box -16.8883247716535 18.9733007716535 0.1 0.1 0.2)) ())))) (combine-stencil (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -3.0) (round-filled-box -21.8967602716535 23.8710272716535 0.1 0.1 0.2)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -4.0) (round-filled-box -21.8967602716535 23.8710272716535 0.1 0.1 0.2)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -5.0) (round-filled-box -21.8967602716535 23.8710272716535 0.1 0.1 0.2)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -6.0) (round-filled-box -21.8967602716535 23.8710272716535 0.1 0.1 0.2)) ())))) ()))))) (translate-stencil (8.53582677165354 . -4.5) (grob-cause #<Grob StaffSymbol > (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -2.0) (draw-line 0.1 0.0500000000000007 0.0 16.156156 0.0)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -1.0) (draw-line 0.1 0.0500000000000007 0.0 16.156156 0.0)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . 0.0) (draw-line 0.1 0.0500000000000007 0.0 16.156156 0.0)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . 1.0) (draw-line 0.1 0.0500000000000007 0.0 16.156156 0.0)) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . 2.0) (draw-line 0.1 0.0500000000000007 0.0 16.156156 0.0)) ()))))))) (translate-stencil (13.5358267716535 . -4.5) (grob-cause #<Grob TimeSignature > (named-glyph #<Font_metric ("emmentaler-20" . 0.569055118110236)> "timesig.C44"))) (translate-stencil (9.33582677165354 . -5.5) (grob-cause #<Grob Clef > (named-glyph #<Font_metric ("emmentaler-20" . 0.569055118110236)> "clefs.G"))) (translate-stencil (17.2358207716535 . -4.5) (grob-cause #<Grob Tie > (bezier-sandwich (quote ((2.27083506382979 . -7.59716336915174) (4.10913293617021 . -7.59716336915174) (4.789984 . -7.0) (1.589984 . -7.0) (4.10913293617021 . -7.71716336915174) (2.27083506382979 . -7.71716336915174) (1.589984 . -7.0) (4.789984 . -7.0))) 0.08))) (translate-stencil (23.4769827716535 . -4.5) (grob-cause #<Grob Stem > (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.065 . 0.0) (translate-stencil (0.0 . -0.04) (named-glyph #<Font_metric ("emmentaler-20" . 0.569055118110236)> "flags.u3"))) (combine-stencil (round-filled-box 0.065 0.065 6.312186 0.0 0.08) ())))) (translate-stencil (17.2358207716535 . -4.5) (grob-cause #<Grob Tie > (bezier-sandwich (quote ((2.27083506382979 . -7.59716336915174) (4.10913293617021 . -7.59716336915174) (4.789984 . -7.0) (1.589984 . -7.0) (4.10913293617021 . -7.71716336915174) (2.27083506382979 . -7.71716336915174) (1.589984 . -7.0) (4.789984 . -7.0))) 0.08))) (translate-stencil (22.2258047716535 . -11.0) (grob-cause #<Grob NoteHead > (named-glyph #<Font_metric ("emmentaler-20" . 0.569055118110236)> "noteheads.s2"))) (translate-stencil (18.5608047716535 . -4.5) (grob-cause #<Grob Stem > (combine-stencil () (combine-stencil (round-filled-box 0.065 0.065 6.238614 0.0 0.08) ())))) (translate-stencil (17.2358207716535 . -11.0) (grob-cause #<Grob NoteHead > (named-glyph #<Font_metric ("emmentaler-20" . 0.569055118110236)> "noteheads.s1")))))) (translate-stencil (0.0 . -161.236077165354) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (0.0 . -3.91509921259842) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (25.7725062992126 . 0.0) (combine-stencil (translate-stencil (82.3479661417323 . 0.0) "") (combine-stencil (url-link "" (quote (0.0 . 56.5754598425197)) (quote (-0.443862992125984 . 1.63887874015748))) (utf-8-string "Century Schoolbook L 3.865234375" "Music engraving by LilyPond 2.12.3â\x80”")))) "")) "")))) ------------------------- It seems that this has been an incorrect bugfix for issue 498. The lines producing the duplicate tie are in completion-note-heads-engraver, lines 215-227: ------------------------- if (pending_ties_.size () && pending_ties_.front().when_ == now_mom()) { for (vsize i = 0; i < tie_note_candidate_events_.size(); i++) for (vsize j = 0; j < note_events_.size(); j++) { Pitch *p = unsmob_pitch (note_events_[j]->get_property ("pitch")); Pitch *p_last = unsmob_pitch (tie_note_candidate_events_[j]->get_property ("pitch")); if (p && p_last && *p == *p_last) make_tie (tie_note_candidates_[i], notes_[j]); } } ------------------------- Removing these lines reopens issue 498. Hope that helps improving the completion heads engraver... _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list