Is there a prize for the maximum amount of errors in one measure of a
real-world piece?  The following is the the next to last measure of the
two violins of "The Air"™, first typeset with the part engraver, then by
simple stacking.

So what do we get?  The part combiner messes with the beaming in a
manner that does not look like an improvement (arguably by design), and
it starts off a spontaneous "Solo" on the last note from violin 1 that
is not quite called for since violin 2 is not yet finished.

We have ties crossing notes, and we have a beam crossing a notehead on a
flagged note.  And that even though I am testing Mike's patch right now.

vi = \relative c'' { cis16 e g4 b,8 a e'16 fis32 g ~ g16 fis8 e16 }
vii = \relative c'' {  g8 b e4 ~ e16 d cis b a8 b }

{ \key d\major
  \partcombine \vi \vii |
  << \vi \\ \vii >> }

<<inline: bug.preview.png>>

David Kastrup
bug-lilypond mailing list

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