
This has been reported on the French user mailing list.

In the following code the c-natural is not printed if there is a clef
change in the middle of the measure.

\relative c' {
  \clef bass cis2 c
  \clef tenor cis2 \clef bass c  % natural is not printed!!
  \clef bass cis2 \clef tenor c

I do not know what say references like Ross, Read about this but I do
not think this should be the correct behaviour.
IMHO this is not what a musician (and a user) expect:
if we have a c-sharp and then a c-natural (at the same octave)
_in the same measure_, then the natural __MUST__ be printed!
This is also against what is said in the regtest
‘accidental-clef-change.ly’: Accidentals are reset for clef changes
(note that this regtest works fine but the reported code does not).

Could you investigate this?
Thanks in advance.


PS: The only "simple" workaround is to use
  #(set-accidental-style 'piano)

Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

bug-lilypond mailing list

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