On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 09:15:22AM -0700, Henry Flurry wrote:
> Is this how you intend lilypond to be accessed by other
> processes?  Through the scripts in ~/bin?  

Yes.  Either ~/bin/, or via scripts internal to other programs.
For example, LyX could ask you for the location of the lilypond
app, and then internally create a script which does the exec

> Graham says above that you should never put lilypond bin/ in
> your PATH.  But the guidelines seem different if lilypond is to
> be used by other processes: much of the lilypond documentation
> talks of putting the path to the lilypond .../bin into various
> .* files or preferences, such as .vimrc.  

I believe that the instructions for .vimrc are pointing to a vimrc
file, not a path.  However, I do not doubt that some parts of our
docs incorreclty refer to modifying one's PATH to include the
lilypond bin/ directory.  The Application Usage manual has not
been reviewed in depth since 2006 or so.

If you could identify any specific parts of our docs that call for
setting the PATH to include stuff inside the lilypond/ dirs,
please let us know and we'll fix them.

- Graham

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