> Again, please keep the discussion on the mailing list.
Whoops.  Please accept my apologies, Graham.

This is probably my final follow up to the following situation:

- in OS X, if the lilypond .../bin ends up in the $PATH of a user or 
application, then at least one of the executables (gs) that is likely to be 
called by an unsuspecting user will crash when executed directly.  (Note - 
lilypond functions fine.  Only gs fails if called directly by the user or 
another process not in the lilypond distribution.)

- I discovered this from integrating lilypond 2.13 with LyX Beta 2.0.  The 
directions posted on the lilypond-user list were to put the lilypond .../bin 
into the PATH for LyX, in order for LyX to find and run lilypond.

- Because LyX called gs directly, it ended up calling lilypond's gs instead of 
another installed gs (I had put lilypond's .../bin at the beginning of LyX's 
path specification).  This, of course, failed, because in the lilypond 
distribution, gs is compiled to look for its dynamic libraries in a 
non-existant directory (.../sobin).  Lilypond gets around this by setting the 
environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to lilypond's .../lib folder, 
which is where gs's dynamic library resides (even though it is hard coded to 
look first in .../sobin).

- My initial solution to the LyX/lilypond integration problem was to move 
lilypond's .../bin to the end of LyX's PATH settings.

My earlier feature request was that GUB be modified to override gs's makefile 
default setting of SOBINRELDIR=../sobin to set it to: SOBINRELDIR=../lib so 
that gs would not crash when executed by a user or process not part of the 
lilypond distribution set.

While I still think that the above change would remove some internal 
inconsistencies in the delivered executable, and it might remove lilypond's 
necessity to set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, it turns out that 
I had not completed the installation appropriately.  As Graham pointed out:

> I disagree with your "proper behaviour", since you should never
> put the lilypond bin/ directory in your PATH.  For help settng up
> lilypond, see:
> http://lilypond.org/macos-x.html
> "macosx on the command line".
So ... there's the crux.  I had missed that.

When I set this up, everything works as promised.  There is no rogue gs in my 
$PATH, and LyX will work properly using these scripts instead of pointing 
directly to the executables in lilypond's .../bin directory.  As far as LyX is 
concerned, my lilypond installation is in ~/bin.

I have posted on the lilypond-user email list on directions on setting up LyX 
with lilypond that use the script method, rather than the link to the direct 

Is this how you intend lilypond to be accessed by other processes?  Through the 
scripts in ~/bin?  

Graham says above that you should never put lilypond bin/ in your PATH.  But 
the guidelines seem different if lilypond is to be used by other processes: 
much of the lilypond documentation talks of putting the path to the lilypond 
.../bin into various .* files or preferences, such as .vimrc.  

However, my impression now is that for OS X, at least, it should be the ~/bin 
that is added to LyX's path or .vimrc or other .* files, not lilypond's 
.../bin, so that the scripts are accessed and not the executables directly.

Henry Flurry
Music Flash Class - a music flash card app for iPhone/iPod Touch versatile 
enough for your teaching

Henry Flurry

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