Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Critical Regression

New issue 1156 by PhilEHolmes: Memory allocation problem

The snippet below compiles on 2.12.3 but on 2.13.24 continues to allocate Virtual Memory and fails to complete. On my XP virtual machine it got to 1250 MBytes virtual memory before I killed the process.

\version "2.13.21"

PartPOneVoiceSix =  \relative bes {
 r4 a'4 ( -. -1 d,4 -. -2 a4 -. -1 s1 s1 \break s1 s1 s1 |
 <f a>2 <g, d'>2 ~ ~ \pageBreak s1 s1 s1 \clef "treble" s1 s1 \clef
 "bass" s1 \break |
 bes2. e,4 ) -3 \bar "||"

% The score definition
\new PianoStaff <<
    \context Staff = "1" <<
        >> \context Staff = "2" <<
         \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceSix" { \voiceTwo \PartPOneVoiceSix }

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