On 11.05.2010 20:51, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
2010/5/10 Bernhard Ott<bernhard....@gmx.net>:

% subdivision fails at the beginning of a pattern % workaround: use

Hi Bernhard,

How would you use \overrideBeamSettings as a workaround? I can't see
how to make it look like the second part (the right one) of the
pattern with only \overrideBeamSettings (i.e. without subdivideBeams
or manual beaming).

Sorry Xavier, I was not very clear about this (Carl asked me to
include only the failing snippet in my bug report), here is the whole example (see comments):

fagott =  \relative g, {
    \clef "bass" \key c \major \numericTimeSignature\time 4/4
    \set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
    \set subdivideBeams = ##t
% following pattern fails
   \repeat unfold 16 {c32 d}

% being desperate I tried
\overrideBeamSettings #'Score #'(4 . 4) #'end
     #'(((1 . 8) . (4 4))
        ((1 . 16) . (4 4 4 4))
        ((1 . 32) . (8 8 8 8)))
% following pattern works
        \repeat unfold 16 {c32 d}



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