У ср, 2010-03-31 у 03:47 -0400, Boris Shingarov пише:
> Hi Dmytro,
Hi Boris,

thank you for you explanation.

If you will not add this issue at the tracker (as Graham mentioned), i
guess i will.

Anyway --- "invalid" issue report is not a huge problem, too .)

As for me.

> > where it is a bug and where it is not. But if you can provide a minimal
>   > example, it will be easier. 
> The idea definitely is to provide a minimal example.  Otherwise, it 
> does not count as a bug report, and shouldn't really even be posted on 
> the -bug list. 
> The problem is that our understanding of a bug evolves with time -- it 
> is usually very unclear at the beginning. 
> So was the case with this particular bug.  When I first started 
> looking at this behavior to try to understand what was causing it, I 
> only knew that the low-hanging lyrics were somehow responsible.  So I 
> named the email, "Lyrics break estimation of vertical spacing".  We 
> now know exactly what the bug is caused by, and we know that this case 
> with lyrics, is only one scenario.  The file "lyrics.ly" is one 
> minimal example.  But the critical ingredient of the bug, is not 
> lyrics, but anything hanging very low under the staff.  It can be 
> lyrics, or it can be notes on ledger lines: this is what my second 
> example ("no-lyrics.ly") illustrates.  Now, is this name a good name 
> for the bug report?  No, it's not a good name.  But I didn't change 
> the subject line on the thread, because it was just a continuation of 
> the technical discussion about how to fix the bug. 
> Boris

  Dmytro O. Redchuk

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