Hi Dmytro,

where it is a bug and where it is not. But if you can provide a minimal
 > example, it will be easier.
The idea definitely is to provide a minimal example.  Otherwise, it
does not count as a bug report, and shouldn't really even be posted on
the -bug list.
The problem is that our understanding of a bug evolves with time -- it
is usually very unclear at the beginning.
So was the case with this particular bug.  When I first started
looking at this behavior to try to understand what was causing it, I
only knew that the low-hanging lyrics were somehow responsible.  So I
named the email, "Lyrics break estimation of vertical spacing".  We
now know exactly what the bug is caused by, and we know that this case
with lyrics, is only one scenario.  The file "lyrics.ly" is one
minimal example.  But the critical ingredient of the bug, is not
lyrics, but anything hanging very low under the staff.  It can be
lyrics, or it can be notes on ledger lines: this is what my second
example ("no-lyrics.ly") illustrates.  Now, is this name a good name
for the bug report?  No, it's not a good name.  But I didn't change
the subject line on the thread, because it was just a continuation of
the technical discussion about how to fix the bug.

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