2008/5/14 karim haddad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> in one the beaming is not explicitly marked so the \once \override doesn't
> work here
> in two yes it is explictly noted and it works.

Hi Karim,

there's no bug here: when you type

\once \override Beam #'positions = #'(-6 . -6)
r8[ bih16 bih16]

the beam is created immediately, but when you type

\once \override Beam #'positions = #'(-6 . -6)
r8  bih16 bih16

the \override is followed by a rest, so no beam is immediately created.

In the latter case, the solution is to type

\once \override Beam #'positions = #'(-6 . -6)
bih16 bih16

Remember what Mats said: \once \override only works for an object that
is created *immediately* afterwards!


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