Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
I had another look at a lilypond print-out locally, and I think that
with the settings as is, it looks good, not in the least ugly.
I already discussed some of this with Jan, and we found that printer
artefacts might also be a factor: Jan's printer doesn't produce even
output, lines near the right edge being thinner.
In my case (HP Laserjet 2100 @ 1200 dpi), it seems that horizontal
lines are printed approximately 10% thicker than vertical lines,
regardless of the method of generation.
Very interesting.
I would welcome some data points, so I am attaching a PostScript
document which prints lines at current bar size (0.19 staff space)
horizontally and vertically. You can print this out, and scan it back
in, to determine what kind of bias the printer introduces. To be sure
that your scanner does not introduce distortion, it's best to scan it
twice (once rotated 90 degrees), and compare. There are two files,
one uses PostScript lines and one uses rectangeles.
I'll be happy to try this. I am very curious as to what the results
will be.
Note that output from other applications, including Finale, appears to
be quite well-proportioned on this same printer.
All the vertical lines appear extremely jagged, suggesting that you
used an inkjet printer.
If I measure between the extremes of the
jaggies, I see 26 to 29px, which is well over the 22px we expect the
lines to be.
I did not measure this way; rather, I measured between the straight
edges, as close as I could judge them, and got measurements that seem to
match your laser-printer results, so I tend to think my method is sound,
if slightly less precise.
For comparison, I put up a fragment of the 2400dpi scan
of the raster for my printer at
Can you print results on a laser printer before criticizing them?
I'll try. I don't have easy access to one right now, though.
I would have just measured from the PDF file, had it not been for John
Neeman's point that the document might print slightly differently.
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