Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

I am giving approximate dimensions of barlines, stems, and staff lines
in pixels.  All scans are 300 dpi, so 1 px = 1/300".  Editions are

You need 1200 dpi to get a good impression of the actual thickness.
If file size is a problem, you can small areas of the page.

OK. Here are the new measurements from 1200-dpi scans. Same pages as before. If you want to see the images, they're at . While the numbers are different, once again Lilypond's barlines are far thicker than any other edition relative to the staff lines: all other editions are in the 100%-138% range, while Lilypond weighs in at 191%!

Staff lines: 13 px
Stems: 11 px (85%)
Barlines: 13 px (100%)

Staff lines: 11 px
Stems: 6 px (55%!)
Barlines: 12 px (109%)

Könemann p. 108
Staff lines: 11 px
Stems: 15 px (136%)
Barlines: 12 px (109%)

Staff lines: 11 px
Stems: 10 px (91%)
Barlines: 13 px (118%)

Staff lines: 11 px
Stems: 11 px (100%), or possibly 12
Barlines: 15 px (136%)

Könemann p. 12
Staff lines: 13 px
Stems: 15 px (115%)
Barlines: 18 px (138%)

Measured a little differently this time: printed at high quality (600 or 1200 dpi, not sure), then scanned at 1200 dpi.
Staff lines: 11 px
Stems: 16 px (145%)
Barlines: 21 px (191%)


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