Here we go...some scanned images of barlines. They were too big to attach, but you can download them at . Image file names contain edition name and page number; more bibliographic info about each book I scanned is below.

I am giving approximate dimensions of barlines, stems, and staff lines in pixels. All scans are 300 dpi, so 1 px = 1/300". Editions are listed in order of barline thickness relative to staff lines. Note that Lilypond, at 250%, is off the charts compared to the scanned editions, which range from 125% to 167%. This suggests that Lilypond's barlines are indeed too thick.

Also note that the Hungarian Könemann edition has the thinnest barlines, then the two American editions, and finally the Austrian and then two German editions with the thickest barlines other than Lilypond. This suggest that there may be something to my earlier comment about different preferences in different parts of the world.

Könemann: Könemann Music, Budapest, Hungary. L.v. Beethoven, piano sonatas, vol. 3 (K 109). 1994. May be computer-engraved. If this is hand work, it is incredibly sharp and even.
Staff lines: 4 px
Stems: 4 px (100%)
Barlines: 5 px (125%) on p. 12 sample, probably 4 px (100%) on p. 108.

Schirmer: G. Schirmer, New York, NY, United States. F. Chopin, Ballades for piano. 1894 (1998 Dover reprint, photographically reproduced).
Staff lines: about 3 px
Stems: 2 px (67%!)
Barlines: 4 px (133%)

International: International Music Company, New York, NY, United States. G. Fauré, Romances sans paroles, Op. 17 (cat. no. 739). Copyright 1984, but engraving looks like it may be a reprint of something older.
Engraving is somewhat uneven, so these numbers may be a bit off.
Staff lines: 3 px
Stems: 3 px (100%), or sometimes less!
Barlines: 4 px (133%) or less

Wiener: Wiener Urtext Edition (Schott/Universal), Vienna, Austria. W.A. Mozart, variations for piano, Vol. 2 (UT 50009). 1973.
Staff lines: 2 px or a bit more (estimating 2.5)
Stems: 3 px (120%)
Barlines: 4 px (160%)

Henle: G. Henle Verlag, Munich, Germany. F.J. Haydn, piano sonatas, Vol. 1 (ed. Feder and Theopold). N.d., but preface says 1971.
Staff lines: 3 px
Stems: 3 px (100% of staff lines)
Barlines: 5 px (167%)

Lilypond (with default settings)
Note: I'm inferring these settings from the PDF files I've generated. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Staff lines: 2 px or slightly more
Stems: 3 px (150%)
Barlines: 5 px (250%!)

If you need more info, let me know. I'll be looking at editions from other countries and posting the results.


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