Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
I'll see what I have available.

A quick look through my music library revealed the following: while some (not all) editions have barlines *slightly* thicker than staff lines, the barlines never appear to be more than about 125% the thickness of the staff lines -- that is, not enough to notice the difference if you're not specifically looking for it (this is what I meant when I said "not significantly thicker"). Lilypond's barlines, however, are about 200% the thickness of the staff lines, and this jumps out at the reader and is distracting.

The one exception I have so far found to this barline thickness rule is Henle, whose barlines are quite thick relative to the staff lines. But all the other notational symbols are big and heavy as well, so the barlines are not obtrusive. Lilypond's default appearance is not this heavy, so the barlines are much more annoying.

Scans coming soon!


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