I see that Mats Bengtsson has already pointed out that rehearsal marks
(\mark) are aligned over the right edge of double barlines, repeat
barlines, etc., rather than over their center.
But I've noticed something worse. When there's a new time signature, the
rehearsal mark will be aligned over some point between the barline and the
time signature -- well right of even a normal barline. See, for example:
\version "2.9.17"
\relative c'{
c1 \mark "A"
c1 \mark "A" \time 4/4
c1 \mark "A" \bar "||"
c1 \mark "A" \bar "||" \time 4/4
Or, to combine it with Mats's example:
\version "2.9.17"
\relative c'{
c1 \mark "A"
c1 \mark "A" \bar "||"
c1 \mark "A" \bar ":|"
c1 \mark "A" \bar "|:"
c1 \mark "A" \bar "|."
c1 \time 4/4
c1 \mark "A" \time 4/4
c1 \mark "A" \bar "||" \time 4/4
c1 \mark "A" \bar ":|" \time 4/4
c1 \mark "A" \bar "|:" \time 4/4
c1 \mark "A" \bar "|." \time 4/4
c1 %\time 4/4
\layout { indent = 0\mm }
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