Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sun, 2006-10-08 at 10:27 +0000, Arvid Grøtting wrote:
Arvid Grøtting <arvidgr <at>> writes:

> For some reasons, 2.9.21 has three systems per page on all pages,
> while 2.8.1 has three on the first page and four thereafter, but I
> don't know if that's a symptom or the problem.

Looks like it's related to the problem.  Here's a small (close enough to
minimal) input file that demonstrates the problem if you convert-ly and
run it through 2.9.21.  With 2.9.21, I get four pages where 2.8.1 needs
two.  Page two of the 2.9.21 version has one single-staff system...

Thanks for the small example. This should now be fixed. Your first
example now spaces on 5 pages (3 on the first, 4 on the rest). Your
minimal example now uses 3 pages (with a single system on the last
page). If you set ragged-bottom-last to #f, however (which is generally
a better setting with the new page breakers), it only takes up 2 pages.

For what it's worth, the problem was with the height-estimation of
Hara-kiri staves. You can see the problem by looking at the
annotated-spacing: the Y-extent-estimate intervals on some of the staves
are way too big.

When I upgraded from 2.9.17 to 2.9.22, the page layout of one of my scores got messed up. That's only my opinion, of course, but it changed pretty drastically from five systems per page, spaced adequately, to three systems per page, with lots of blank space.

So, Joe, whatever it is that you fixed, there still seems to be a problem in 2.9.22.

I can try to send an example if necessary.


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