I wrote:
\override TupletBracket #'connect-to-neighbor = #'(#f #f)

Mats wrote:
To produce a pair of values in Scheme, you should write
\override TupletBracket #'connect-to-neighbor = #'(#f . #f)
(another option is the following:)
\override TupletBracket #'connect-to-neighbor = #(cons #f #f)

See the documentation of edge-height and shorten-pair for other
examples of pairs of values, that show this syntax.

Thanks for noticing that. I actually used the correct syntax in my original file, but it was causing a different problem (I couldn't get the bracket to display in one instance), so I tried to isolate the problem, and that's where I forgot the dot, which caused the apparent "bug" I reported.

I will try to isolate my original problem and, if necessary, report it as a separate bug.


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