I actually find the warning message relevant. Consider the following example:
 \new Staff{ \mark "Mark in first stave" c'1}
 \new Staff{ \mark "Mark in second stave" e'1}
Clearly, LilyPond will only typeset one of these marks, but it's not really
well-defined which one and the program should definitely tell that that the
user probably has made a mistake and the program had to make a decision
on which mark to typeset.

In your case, you know why the warning appears and you know that you can
ignore it, since you only have \mark commands in your \global. If you want to get rid of the warnings, you could add the \mark commands in a separate variable that's only included at the top stave of the score, or you could use the \tag feature
to do the same thing.


Trent Johnston wrote:
Hi Everyone,

This seems to be a cosmetic problem but when using a global variable for text marks or \newSpacingSection a warning: Two similatneous (whatver) events, junking this one. The output is correct but the warnings never appeared before.



C:\Documents and Settings\trent.\Desktop>lilypond testii
GNU LilyPond 2.9.20
Processing `testii.ly'
Interpreting music...
warning: Two simultaneous mark events, junking this one
warning: Previous mark event here
warning: Two simultaneous mark events, junking this one
warning: Previous mark event here[5]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...
MIDI output to `testii.midi'...
Layout output to `testii.ps'...
Converting to `testii.pdf'...

\version "2.9.20"

    global= {
      \time 4/4
      \key c \major
      \mark \markup "I."
      \mark \markup "II."

    violinOne =  \new Voice { \relative c'' {
      \set Staff.instrumentName = "Violin 1 "

      c2 d e1
 c2 c
c4 c c c
 c8 c c c c c c c

    \bar "|." }}

    violinTwo = \new Voice { \relative c''{
      \set Staff.instrumentName = "Violin 2 "

      c2 d e1
 c2 c
c4 c c c
 c8 c c c c c c c

    \bar "|." }}

    \score {
       \new StaffGroup <<
          \new Staff << \global \violinOne >>
          \new Staff << \global \violinTwo >>
       \layout { }
       \midi { }

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        Signal Processing
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